Transforming Hyndburn

Leisure Trust

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In January 2019 Hyndburn Borough Council (the Council) commenced a Leisure Estate Review in partnership with Hyndburn Leisure (the Trust), following the Sport England, Strategic Outcomes Planning Model (SOPM). The key facilities included in the review are Hyndburn Leisure Centre, Mercer Hall Leisure Centre and Wilsons Athletics Pavilion. The Council owns all three facilities, and the Trust operates them on a lease arrangement. The project aims to improve health and wellbeing and address health inequalities, increase participation, provide a holistic service approach as well as improve energy efficiency and maintain effective financial management. The current indoor and outdoor sport and leisure facilities in Hyndburn are ageing and require significant levels of investment to maintain the current service offer and enhance the existing leisure offer to maximise positive outcomes for the local community.

Following recommendations from an independent Feasibility Study, the work below has been recommended to transform Leisure facilities and provision in Hyndburn: • Refurbish Hyndburn Leisure Centre – address backlog maintenance, refurbish existing facilities and create a commercial offer. • Replace Mercer Hall with a new facility. • Replace Wilsons Athletics Pavilion and extension. • Re-purpose the Mercer Hall Leisure Centre site, as the current swimming pool and very old equipment is adversely affecting the condition of the building. It is felt that a replacement Mercer Hall facility cannot be re-provided on the same site, therefore the proposed site for a replacement is Wilsons Playing Fields. This is subject to a full site appraisal.



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