Transforming Hyndburn

September 2022/23 - Hyndburn Borough Council

Transforming Hyndburn


Together we can build on Hyndburn’s past for a prosperous future


The Vision

Hyndburn has a rich heritage that we want to build on and embrace for a prosperous future. Our borough has been disproportionately impacted for many years and now is our time. Over the past 12 months leaders across all the sectors in Hyndburn have come together, taken the guidance from experts and worked collaboratively with the council to create a vision which starts with Accrington and will lead the way for plans across all towns. A huge amount has been achieved in a short time, including establishing a town centre partnership board, a cultural and heritage board and submitting various funding bids and expressions of interest. At the core of this work is the people of Hyndburn and ensuring that plans protect our environment, are sustainable and also help us work towards our goal of net-zero carbon emissions. Improving life, air quality and outdoor spaces. This document shows some of the highlights, achievements and plans for the future, however it is by no means complete – we will be continuing to bring much needed funding to all our towns, lead on innovative transformation and ensure Hyndburn is a place people want to live, work and thrive.

Sara Britcliffe Member of Parliament

Miles Parkinson OBE Leader, Hyndburn Borough Council



Environment and Green Spaces - Page 2 - Parks and Playgrounds Investment - Decarbonisation - Bury Meadows - Tree Planting Wellbeing & Transformation - Page 8 - UK Share Prosperity Fund - Arts, Culture & Heritage - Hyndburn Leisure Transformation

- Huncoat Garden Village - Hyndburn’s Local Plan

Accrington Town Centre Investment Plan - Page 15 - Accrington TCIP (Town Centre Investment Plan)

- Hyndburn’s Levelling Up Bid - Lancashire’s Levelling Up Plans Timeline



Environment and Green Spaces • Parks and green space investment • Decarbonisation scheme • Bury Meadows plans • Tree Planting



Parks and Playgrounds

Hyndburn’s parks and green spaces are being continually invested in, to ensure everyone has outdoor space to enjoy on their doorstep. Boasting 10 green flag awards for parks, more than any other place in Lancashire, Hyndburn is leading the way with high-quality provision. Hyndburn has also been allocated £85,000 as part of the Levelling Up Parks Fund , to improve and create new parks in urban areas. Detailed on this page are just some of the investments already completed and some priorities for the future.

Some recently completed projects: Milnshaw Park ✔ State-of-the-art Pump track ✔ Playground & outdoor gym ✔ Wildflowers & grasses for biodiversity Huncoat ✔ Brand-new all weather ballcourt Lowerfold Park ✔ MUGA

Priority areas for future investment: ✔ Mercer Park, play area refurbishment ✔ Knuzden, NEAP facility ✔ Burnley Road, new play area ✔ Accrington Skate Park, refurbish or relocate ✔ Milton Close, play area refurbishment ✔ Gatty Park, play area refurbishment ✔ Oak Hill Park, play area refurbishment ✔ Cutwood Park, MUGA creation ✔ Lyndon Playing Fields, new play area

To find your closest parks, green spaces and walks in your area use our postcode finder tool. Scan the QR code or visit:

✔ Tennis court renovation ✔ Play area refurbishment



Decarbonisation Scheme

Hyndburn Leisure Centre: ✔ Reduced CO2e emissions by 71% ✔ Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) technology ✔ Renewable electricity generation onsite ✔ Improved efficiency ventilation systems and air handling units ✔ Building Energy Monitoring system ✔ No fossil fuels - energy transformation Scaitcliffe House: ✔ CO2e emissions reduced by 67% ✔ ASHP to replace inefficient storage heaters ✔ Increased onsite renewable electricity generation with solar panels ✔ LED lighting Cemeteries: ✔ CO2e emissions reduced by 10% ✔ Improved efficiency control of the cremators

Overall achievements so far: ✔ 450 tonnes of co2 saved per year ✔ Annual savings of more than £120,000

✔ £2.3 million external investment ✔ 100 Jobs employed on the works

We are proud to have worked in tandem with Hyndburn Leisure Trust to reduce our carbon emissions. A huge amount of progress has been made after a carbon footprint study by ‘One Carbon World’ recommended the council make decarbonisation a priority, particularly combatting the gas usage in the Council’s buildings. Action was taken immediately and an investment of £2.3million was secured from the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme, which is funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and is delivered by Salix Finance, to sit alongside council investment. £1million of council reserves was also allocated to contribute towards tackling climate change and to enable the urgent changes needed to safeguard the future.



Bury Meadows

A new country park, Bury Meadows, is planned for Oswaldtwistle. 87 Acres of Land is set to become a new country park, after being purchased by Hyndburn Borough Council. This fantastic green space will be safeguarded for future generations and is part of wider plans to invest in all of Hyndburn’s towns, improving wellbeing for residents and attracting more visitors from Lancashire and beyond. This is a huge opportunity to do something significant for climate action, protecting the natural environment. This site is so important as it has a huge mosaic of habitats, there is almost every habitat you could imagine here, such as woodland, grassland, wetland, and an open water course. Consultation with community groups, Stanhill Residents Group, environmental organisations and local people will shape the future of the country park. Ideas suggested so far include a nature reserve with footpath trails and to explore the scope for outdoor activities such as paddleboarding, horse riding, climbing and cycling. There will be lots of opportunities for people to get involved, everyone is welcome to help and be part of upcoming activities.



Tree planting

Here is a small selection of photos from the planting events and initiatives in the borough ✔ Almost 4,000 trees were planted in early 2022 across all of Hyndburn ✔ To help the natural world recover and expand, natural regeneration trials have taken place on two sites ✔ Planting has taken place on 16 sites and at 10 schools – including creation of microwoodlands, tree avenues, oak guilds, fruit trees, blossom and berries ✔ Tree planting has been community led - with thanks to local volunteers, families, schools, cadets and supported by PROSPECTS Foundation and Woody (Hyndburn) CIC





Wellbeing & Transformation

• Arts, Culture & Heritage • Hyndburn Leisure Transformation

• Huncoat Garden Village • Hyndburn’s Local Plan



Arts, Culture, Heritage board

In Summer 2022 Hyndburn Council established its first Arts, Cultural and Heritage Board – to bring together leaders and experts who will develop a strategy and plan for the future. This board will bring partners together to ensure Hyndburn’s future is steered by the shared bond and community of our past and present. Ensuring that arts, culture and heritage are a strong part of plans will mean that the rich legacy of the area will help people to connect and thrive going forward. The board will look to secure funding for investment in Hyndburn and collaborate with established local groups to make sure the whole community is part of Hyndburn’s journey. The vision is to establish Hyndburn, set within the beautiful Pennines, as a place where nature and culture meet.



UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Hyndburn have submitted their bid for £2.9 million from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). Part of the Government’s levelling up, this funding is aimed to overcome geographical inequalities that have held places like Hyndburn back for too long. The funding aims to restore pride in place, empower local leaders and communities – through a stronger social fabric to create better life changes. If the bid is successful, the funding will be utilised until April 2025 to bring a wide range of support and initiatives to Hyndburn. Working with a stakeholder board and consultants Hyndburn Council have submitted proposals for the funding which include creating a masterplan for the future of Accrington Arndale Centre, a full and innovative events programme, an arts, cultural and heritage strategy and a programme of business support.



2. Polling and consultation with residents indicated people want a broad range of arts, cultural and music offers . A dedicated arts, culture and heritage officer would be employed to oversee and manage a programme to drive future investment into the borough, improve footfall and deliver a regular programme of activity for all to enjoy. 3. There is a strong demand for more green and open spaces in Accrington Town Centre. The funding would be used to create pocket parks, improve the Accrington Pals Memorial Garden and contribute positively to the local environment. New perennial plants and new trees would be planted as part of a one-off scheme to promote wellbeing and pride-in-place.

Hyndburn’s investment plan has been submitted for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) which would be delivered over three years. Working with a diverse partnership board throughout the process three key themes were identified for the submission: 1. Accrington Town Square has significant and important historic buildings, which the town centre investment plan is looking to transform into substantial cultural, events, food and beverage venues. To support these investments part of the UKSPF would be used to maximise the capital interventions through investment in promotion, marketing and branding. There is also an opportunity to create a masterplan for Accrington Arndale Centre , to transform the site into something that compliments the heritage-led vision for Accrington’s future.

UK Shared Prosperity Fund



Leisure Trust

To learn more scan the QR code or visit the Hyndburn Leisure website:

In January 2019 Hyndburn Borough Council (the Council) commenced a Leisure Estate Review in partnership with Hyndburn Leisure (the Trust), following the Sport England, Strategic Outcomes Planning Model (SOPM). The key facilities included in the review are Hyndburn Leisure Centre, Mercer Hall Leisure Centre and Wilsons Athletics Pavilion. The Council owns all three facilities, and the Trust operates them on a lease arrangement. The project aims to improve health and wellbeing and address health inequalities, increase participation, provide a holistic service approach as well as improve energy efficiency and maintain effective financial management. The current indoor and outdoor sport and leisure facilities in Hyndburn are ageing and require significant levels of investment to maintain the current service offer and enhance the existing leisure offer to maximise positive outcomes for the local community.

Following recommendations from an independent Feasibility Study, the work below has been recommended to transform Leisure facilities and provision in Hyndburn: • Refurbish Hyndburn Leisure Centre – address backlog maintenance, refurbish existing facilities and create a commercial offer. • Replace Mercer Hall with a new facility. • Replace Wilsons Athletics Pavilion and extension. • Re-purpose the Mercer Hall Leisure Centre site, as the current swimming pool and very old equipment is adversely affecting the condition of the building. It is felt that a replacement Mercer Hall facility cannot be re-provided on the same site, therefore the proposed site for a replacement is Wilsons Playing Fields. This is subject to a full site appraisal.



Huncoat Garden Village

To learn more about Huncoat Garden Village scan the QR code or visit the website:

• Harnesses technology to ensure that new development is sustainable • Uses green space to ensure that all these new uses can be developed within an attractive environment, promoting health, well-being and quality of life for local residents and employees • Is well connected, with good transport links • Provides long-term stewardship of land, property and facilities

Hyndburn Borough Council have working alongside experts to develop the proposals for Huncoat Garden Village. Guiding future development in Huncoat to meet the demand for more new homes in Hyndburn, the Masterplan details a series of proposals for the creation of Huncoat Garden Village which include a new village centre, a new road, existing road network improvements, new and enhanced open and natural spaces, and high-quality new homes. The current Masterplan was shaped by ideas from public consultations and community engagement. What is a Garden Village? Garden cities, towns and villages have their roots in the late nineteenth century. Ebenezer Howard, the founder of the garden city movement, described how people could live in harmony with nature and his vision led to the building of Letchworth and Welwyn Garden Cities in the early twentieth century.

Garden communities are still very relevant to our lives today; up and down the country, new settlements and extensions to existing settlements are being planned and provided based on prestigious design and environmental quality. The Government considers that well-planned, well-designed, locally-led garden communities have an important role to play in meeting our housing needs. A garden village is a settlement that: • Is transformational, with a strong vision, leadership and community engagement • Provides a mix of house types and sizes • Aspires to great design and quality, building communities with local character • Provides a range of community services and facilities for local people • Stimulates economic growth through the provision of locally accessible jobs



Local plan

The Local Plan is a series of documents produced by the council that fully explain how the borough will develop and grown to 2037, once completed it will replace the previous local plan, completed in 1997. The Plan will comprise of 4 key areas and the community are invited to have their say at various consultation stages. Consultations have been completed at previous stages including in April 2018, April 2019 and December 2019. The timetable for production of the Local Plan is set out in the Council’s latest Local Development Scheme (LDS) published in February 2022. The next key stage of plan preparation will be the Publication of the Hyndburn Local Plan 2037: Strategic Policies and Site Allocations (Regulation 19) for formal consultation.

To read the full local plan, consultation documents and outcomes please scan the QR code or visit:



Accrington Town Centre

• Accrington TCIP (Town Centre Investment Plan) • Hyndburn’s Levelling Up • Lancashire’s Levelling Up

To read the full Town Centre Investment Plan, see updates and news about Accrington developments scan the QR code or visit:



A strategic plan for local economy growth. The plan details a variety of projects and initiatives that will improve environmental quality in Accrington Town and encourage sustainable growth for the local economy over the next 10-15 years. Over 30 projects were initially put forward for inclusion in the plan, these were analysed and scored. The plan lists the projects which are recommended for Accrington in the future.

What is a proposed TCIP?

Through collaboration and expert advice. After a successful tender process, consultants and ex-treasury economists, Bradshaw Advisory, were appointed by Hyndburn Borough Council to create the Town Centre Investment Plan. The proposed plan has been shaped by the Hyndburn community through two partnership boards, polls and strategic input from experts using evidence and data.

How was it created?

As a basis for future bids and investment.

Why was it created?

If fully implemented the proposed TCIP is predicted to generate £9.6million for the local economy each year, entice 820,000 visitors annually and support hundreds of new jobs. The journey to creating the Proposed TCIP involved analysis of impact, projected return on investment and compatibility with the requirements for various funding bids, such as the Levelling Up Fund.

A lot! Vision, project ideas and evidence. Alongside lots of data, analysis and information about Accrington, the document explains a vision for ‘The Accrington Acre’ and lists 18 projects for the town centre, explaining why they met the criteria to be included. The plan has heritage and environment as a central theme, building on Hyndburn’s past for a prosperous future - with Accrington at the heart.

What does it say?



Hyndburn’s Levelling Up Bid

To make Accrington Town Centre’s Investment Plan come to life Hyndburn Borough Council will be bidding for and seeking various funding streams over the coming years, to see the many interventions become a reality. Three of the interventions in the plan (Market Hall, Market Chambers and Burtons Chambers) were ideal for the Government’s Levelling Up Fund and full costs, alongside a full proposal to achieve this work has been submitted. The overview of these three selected interventions and full costs are detailed in the next few pages. The maps below show the area in which Accrington Town Centre Investment Plan focusses.



Market Hall

Overview of proposed changes

We will refurbish and transform the market into a food and drink destination that is attractive to locals (50% rarely or never come to Accrington) and those within a c.45 minutes travel distance (2.7m people with £30+bn disposable income). Our RIBA stage 2 designs, MEP and decarbonisation strategies envisage 50% of ground floor space space for a day and night time food offer and the other 50% for curated ‘traders’. We also plan to demolish one of the large underused pavilions (planning permission already granted). Demolition will create high-quality green public realm, better visibility of the building, outdoor eating provision and reduction in retail space (substantial oversupply).

Estimated costs Works cost Project/design fees Property costs/surveys



£84,832 Risk allowances (contingency & market volatility @ 17%) £1,452,316 Inflation @ 10.0% and 7.7% £1,000,756 Total (Financial cost) £10,996,109



Burtons Chambers

Overview of proposed changes

This important Art Deco building is largely vacant and has fallen into disrepair. We will acquire, restore and transform it into a co-working space - circa 6,000 square metres, space for c.140 desks and events space - with visible activity reducing crime and providing stable demand for the ‘new Market Hall’. RIBA stage 2 designs with MEP and structural engineering input have already been created with keen interest from leading operators in Manchester, Halifax and Leeds.

Estimated costs Works cost Project/design fees



Property acquisition costs/surveys £1,124,833 Risk allowances (contingency & market volatility @ 17%) £1,139,395 Inflation @ 10.0% and 7.7% £672,310 Total (Financial cost) £8,590,935



Market Chambers

Overview of proposed changes

This building is largely vacant and in need of repair and refurbishment. We will acquire it, undertake repair works, refurbish shop units to a modern standard with consistent look and put in place ‘passive provision’ for the next phase of the project (not part of the LUF bid) that will create a new cultural/arts/heritage space to boost pride and address the local ‘deprivation’ identified by DCMS. The project contained within the LUF bid will help to improve the visual impact of the building and complement the other two projects.

Estimated costs Works cost Project/design fees



Property acquisition costs/surveys £2,149,833 Risk allowances (contingency & market volatility @ 17%) £482,717 Inflation @ 10.0% and 7.7% £90,728 Total (Financial cost) £3,412,955



Lancashire’s Levelling Up Plans

Lancashire Levelling Up Fund Lancashire County Council have also submitted a bid to the Government’s Levelling Up Fund for £50 million and, if successful, Hyndburn will benefit from this. The key areas they have identified for funding include: - Safer and healthier streets - Improved public transport - More walking and cycle ways East Lancashire, and Hyndburn, have been identified as priority places for this funding. Liveable neighbourhoods Liveable Neighbourhoods (sometimes called 20-minute neighbourhoods) are streets and places that encourage walking, cycling and the use of public transport - especially for short journeys. Changes to local streets, paths and open spaces are made to make travel easier between homes, jobs, shops and services The themes for the Lancashire County Council bid are:

Public transport service improvements Improve public transport by introducing:

To learn more scan the QR code or visit the LCC website: strategies-policies-plans/levelling-up-fund/

• Real time information at bus stops • Giving priority to buses in traffic • Hubs that help to make smooth changes between walking, cycling, buses and trains Find out more about Lancashire’s plans to improve bus services. Active travel Help people to walk and cycle for local trips, such as going to work or to the shop. This will include safer and quieter off-road routes, and more green space. Freight Rail Terminal There is an opportunity for development of an East Lancashire Freight Rail Terminal on the site of the former Huncoat Power Station. The possibility is being explored by Lancashire County Council, with support from Hyndburn Borough Council. Some infrastructure is already in place and a development like this could: • Give an economic boost to the region • Create cost, resource and carbon savings for businesses



Predicted timelines

UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Leisure Transformation

Levelling Up Fund

Town Centre Investment Plan

Huncoat Garden village

Local Plan

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037



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