Property Shop - Online Valuation Brochure
C h e c k l i s t
W e m a n a g e t h e l e g a l s a n d p r o v i d e a t o t a l s e r v i c e . . .
Selling your property Sales valuation Energy Performance Certificate Prepare your property for sale Marketing
Buying your home Arrange a mortgage Register your requirements Finding your dream home Instruct a solicitor Making an offer Agreeing a sale Survey carried out Works carried out if required Mortgage offer Completion
Whilst Property Shop recognise the different skills involved in selling a property and those required for a correct legal transaction we also understand that sales success and buyer satisfaction fundamentally depend on a smooth, transparent and efficient legal process. So, when Property Shop sell your property we take care of all matters relating to the progress chasing and status reporting of the legal work – quite simply Property Shop do everything to sell your property. Property Shop take care of every aspect of buying and selling including arranging the mortgage, conveyancing, insurance, surveying and introducing contractors qualified to undertake remedial works if required – quite simply a complete service for buying or selling under one roof. S a l e s p r o g r e s s i o n i s a t t h e h e a r t o f P r o p e r t y S h o p
Accompanied viewings Feedback and review Instruct a solicitor Receiving an offer Accepting an offer Exchange contracts Completion
Letting Rental valuation Consent to let Safety regulations Energy Performance Certificate Marketing
Renting Landlord check Documents to confirm identity Tenancy agreement Rental agent accreditation Responsibility for bills Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms
Accompanied viewings Feedback and reviews Tenant validation (visited in their home)
Children, smoking and pets Inventory and meter readings Insurance Problem resolution Rights and responsibilities
Tenancy agreement Deposit protection Inventory and schedule of condition Meter readings- notify utilities and local authority Landlord's building and contents insurance Spare keys Operating instructions for appliances
We ensure a smooth transition through to completion making buying or selling with Property Shop a great experience.
B u y i n g , S e l l i n g o r R e n t i n g . A t P r o p e r t y S h o p w e ’ r e w i t h y o u a l l t h e w a y . . . . . . a c c o m p a n i e d v i e w i n g s g u a r a n t e e d !
w w w . p r o p e r t y s h o p l t d . c o m
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