Accrington Food & Drink Festival 2024

EVENTS AND ATTRACTIONS ARNDALE FREE EVENT 10:00am till 4:00pm A magni fi cent display of fl ags from around the world celebrating the great diversity and culture of Hyndburn. 2:00pm Celebration of the famous Candy Bomber with a giveaway of 250 Hershey bars and 250 toy parachute men. BLACKBURN ROAD and BROADWAY 10:00am till 4:00pm Over 60 food stalls celebrating the very best of Lancashire produce including a new ‘Farm to Plate’ o ff ering courtesy of BBC Radio Lancashire’s Stephen Lowe. SPONSORED BY

FREE Fairground rides Children’s 1940’s Trail

Roaming performances from 1940s singers Christopher and The Robins

Grab your family and friends together and head to our giant sel fi e frame on Broadway to celebrate Hyndburn Borough Council’s 50th anniversary.

TOWN SQUARE Take a look at the Accrington Market pods, packed full of incredible local food and drink, as well as crafts!

FREE SPITFIRE SIMULATOR EXPERIENCE 10am – 4pm on Broadway Enjoy the ultimate fl ying experience in our FREE Spit fi re simulator. First come fi rst served basis. *

bject to weather conditions on the day.

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