mariz surfaces

Eight on trend colourways

Available in eight colourways, market researched to complement all kitchens, mariz 12mm surfaces are both robust and easy to clean, giving you complete peace of mind with their superb performance and quality.

mariz - white marble (WM)

mariz - vena black (VB)

The core of the White Marble and Pure White decors is white, while the Vena Black, Light Concrete, Dark Concrete, Antique Rust, Vena White and Deep Grey have a black core.

When you choose mariz surfaces you do so secure in the knowledge that you are buying a proven, reliable product. mariz surfaces are truly at the forefront of modern surface technology.

mariz - light concrete (LC)

mariz - pure white (PW)

Surface: Light Concrete (LC)

mariz - dark concrete (DC)

mariz - antique rust (AR)

mariz - vena white (VW)

mariz - deep grey (DG)

Note: All boards are double sided (same pattern either side). Ideal for shelves, breakfast bars and ensures both sides will be visible.

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