NLTG Prospectus 2023
Digital Support Technician
Digital Support Technicians work with a range of technologies, communication systems and software to improve business operations and support the delivery of business services. Depending on the role, a Digital Support Technician may work with digital systems, tools, devices and resources that store or process data (eg office suites, email/survey tools, social media, smartphones, live/video chat and web conferencing). They may also work with ‘collaborative technologies’ which allow people and teams to work together and share information, regardless of where they may be. This apprenticeship will allow you to specialise in one of the following two roles: • Digital Applications Technician • Digital Service Technician
3 18 UP TO
• Digital Service Adviser • Digital Applications Specialist • Data Administrator • IT Operations Technician • ICT Support Analyst • Digital Support Professional Typical Job Roles
Entry Requirements
You will take a Skills Scan to ensure your current maths and English are at the required level.
• Knowledge test. • Portfolio-based interview. • Project/improvement presentation.
Further study or career progression to management or senior support roles.
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