NLTG Prospectus 2021-2022

Traineeships | Route 2

Traineeships are designed to give you the confidence to take that first step in starting your career and becoming work ready. If you are unsure as to what you want to do for a job, or feel you would like to try out an industry before committing to an Apprenticeship, then a Traineeship is the right route to get you started.


The Traineeship Programme offers a high quality work experience opportunity to help you develop the skills and experience you need to progress to an Apprenticeship or employment. • A 24 week course with work experience from week 3. • Receive a weekly allowance. • All work wear and personal protective equipment provided free. • A reference from your work experience provider. • Opportunities and support into an Apprenticeship. • Maths and English qualifications (if you don’t already have GCSE grades 4-9). Work Experience Enrichment Maths & English

• Expert information, advice and guidance. • Full-time programme which means parents/ guardians will be entitled to child benefits. • Pastoral student support. • Regular reviews to support progress. • Available at our Accrington, Oldham and Bury centres.

Personal/ Social Development

Jawad Iqbal Company | Paramore Sector | Warehousing Outcome | Apprenticeship

I really enjoyed my time at NLTG on the Traineeship programme. At first the hours on work placement were hard but now I am in a routine, it is easy. I am now completing my Apprenticeship and enjoying work.


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