#Amazing Accrington - Winter 2017
‘ CHEERS! ’ InterviewwithWarren Benne – Managing Director of Bowland Brewery
Where it all ends in...
by Nick Turner
They are now casting the Bowland net further into Lancashire. They see Hyndburn as amajor target market and now havemany of their products available at outlets in the area. They recently struck deals with Accrington Stanley to sponsor the Fan Zone at theWhamStadiumand have a similar deal in placewith Burnley FC. “Whenwe saw the changes that had taken place at Accrington Stanley wewere convinced that the current owner was thinking about the long-termand not just a quick fix, that’swhywewere delighted to support the clubwith sponsorship of the Fan Zone. I reallywish Accrington Stanleywell; there is a good feeling down there at the moment and they’ve had awonderful start to the season. The combination of talent, hardwork and new ideas creates the formula which has brought about the current success at Bowland Brewery. There are, however, certain achievements which are epiphenomenal and, as such, completely unpredictable. If you’d have toldme that wewould build the longest bar in the UK and, when we opened, we’d servemore female customers and, despite having 42 ale pumps around the bar, that our biggest seller would bewine in the first month, I wouldn’t have believed you but that highlights the broad-spectrumof customers the stunning surroundings aract and not just the fine ale!” Next on the agenda is the hotel, a planned 38 roombuildingwith a gym, spa facilities and even a cinema to accompany the Beer and Food Halls. The project at HolmesMill is really beginning to hit its stride and you get the feeling speaking toWarren that there ismuchmore to come in the future. If the next two years can exceed the accomplishments of the previous – you ain’t seen nothing yet.
IN 2014 JamesWarburton purchased Bowland Brewery in Clitheroe, adding another jewel in the crown of the James’ Places Group - and it could turn out to be their most successful venture yet. For the latest edition of #AmazingAccrington we talk to theman taskedwith running the day-to-day operations of the brewery - Managing DirectorWarren Benne. WemetWarren in the boardroomof the industrial style offices at HolmesMill - which is a delightful marriage of metal, exposed brickwork, and ultra-modern facilities - to talk about his role and the recent success. “There is no rigid job description towhat I do, we are a fast paced organisation and I carry out plans on behalf of James. Contracts, lease negotiations or major purchases, will at some point find its way acrossmy desk from the various businesses within the group.” The brewery originally operated out of Bashall Barn but it has been themove to the newHolmesMill sitewhich has really kicked things into action. “The catalyst for buying this sitewas buying Bowland Brewery itself, which came about around three years ago, and this all started, as many things do, with James coming inwith a suggestion of opening up amicro-brewery. Bowland Brewery was on themarket and the brand and the location fit, the pricewas right, therewas a full order book and it could sell asmuch beer as it made.” There is now a Food Hall to accompany the Beer Hall which is a showcase for suppliers of all manner of different products across Lancashire. But, for the time being at least, it is with the alewhere their loiest of ambitions lie. “At themoment, the smallest business within the James’ Places group is the brewery but hopefully it won’t stay that way. Once this site is complete and fully operational wewill have, in essence, doubled the size of James’ Places.We have exciting expansion plans for the brewery andwemake absolutely no apologies for saying that wewant to be the biggest brewer in Lancashire.” Recently, their Buster IPA and Deer Stalker Stout won bronzemedals in an international beer competition - competingwith 700 brewers worldwide. In 2016 they landed the Lancashire Life award for Food and Drinks Producer of theYear and inMay of this year alone sold 35,000 boles of beer. Momentum is theword.
Top: Warren Bennett, Managing Director of Bowland Brewery at his desk. Right: New Bowland Brewery sponsored Fan Zone at Accrington
Stanley Football Club. Bottom: Our Clitheroe headquarters.
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