Amazing Accrington - Spring 2019

OPPORTUNITIES Hyndburn Chamber of Trade


Since its newPresident, Brendan Duffy, company director at Acorns of Lancashire Accrington, was elected sevenmonths ago, positive change is ahead. In a short period the Chamber of Trade has: • Amended its Constitution to address some “unwrien rules” and to remove gender specific references. • Monthlymeetings are now held at various locations to showcase Hyndburn businesses. • A greater focus on guest speakers, givingmembers the opportunity to learn and understandmore about what is available andwhat is happening locally. Recently, Murray Dawson gave an excellent presentation on future events for #AmazingAccrington. Victoria Ingham, Hyndburn Borough Council’s Business andMarketing Co-ordinator, provided the Chamber with key statistical information on theTown Centre and provided updates on plans, projects and events for theTown. Also, MagistrateMr Rennie Pinder gave a great insight to the judicial systemand how it is impacting crime levels in the Borough. • Begun the formalisation of its affiliation with the East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce to offer access to itsmembers a greater number of services and opportunities for the Chamber of Trade. • Agreed to develop a newwebsite so it has a digital presence and therewill be a greater focus on social media. Meetings are heldmonthly at various businesses within Hyndburn and members can select whichmeetings they aend. The benefits to members are: • Networking opportunities • Business support • Access to key information in Hyndburn, such as Lancashire’s Constabulary’s PACTPanel (crime) reports for the area. • Access and links to Hyndburn Borough Council allowing for the transfer of key information and regular updates on projects.

Running in its current form for nearly 30 years it offers a number of

services and opportunities for business leaders and owners

Opposite: President of the Hyndburn Chamber of Trade, Brendan Duffy. Left: Members of the Hyndburn Chamber of Trade at the annual AGM held at Barbara Kays, Accrington. From left to right: Julie O'Hara from Barbara Kays, Anne Ireland from Annie's Antiques, Brendan Duffy from Acorns of Lancashire, Paul Brown from Eafield and Maple, Councillor Tony Dobson, Kath Gregson from The Hair Shop, Micheal Whewell from Whewell's, Gayle Knight from Hyndburn Arts Ltd, Raymond Goldstone from Archway Footwear, John Berry from John Berry Jewellers, and finally Rob Carder from ImpSMART Ltd. Above Right: President Brendan Duffy and Vice President Paul Brown upon their inauguration. Right: The Hyndburn Chamber of Trade Crest.

The Hyndburn Chamber of Trade has been running efficiently in its current format for nearly 30 years. However, it is still a relatively unknown organisation for businesses operating in Hyndburn. It offers a number of services and opportunities for business leaders and owners.With annual membership at only £35, it is one of themost cost-effective business networking opportunities in Hyndburn, if not the country..


For more information about membership contact Brendan Duffy at, or call 01254 427995. Or alternatively contact its Vice President, Paul Brown of Eafield &Maple, or Treasurer, Julie O’Hara at Barbara Kays.

A C C R I N G T ON • B A X E N D E N • C H U R C H • C L A Y T ON - L E - MOO R S G R E A T H A RWOOD • H U N C OA T • O SWA L D TW I S T L E • R I S H T ON

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