Accrington Rossendale College Prospectus 2019-20
Levels 1 & 2
Light Vehicle Engineering Level 2
Auto-Electrical Engineering Level 2 Introduction – This course is for students who are passionate about a career in the auto- electrical industry. You study both the theory and practical aspects of the following: repairing electrical units, locating & correcting simple electrical faults, enhancing vehicle electrical system features, conducting pre & post work components. Your time will be split between the workshops and classroom where you will be assessed by the IMI set practical assessments, online multiple choice testing and assessments set by us. Entry requirements – Learners who have completed all aspects of the Level 1 study programme in auto-electrical and/or have GCSEs in the D/3 range or above in maths and English. A positive attitude, the potential and stamina to successfully complete the programme, coupled with a keen interest in the motor industry, is also required. Progression – Successful completion of all aspects of this course can lead to the employment in the Auto-Electrical Engineering industry, or ideally into an apprenticeship. inspections, removing & fitting basic mechanical and electrical and trim
Light Vehicle Engineering Level 1 Introduction – This course will interest you if you have a keen interest in the motor vehicle industry. It also can help you into full-time employment on completion of your qualification. This is both a practical and theory course offering you an introduction to the motor industry, which will contribute to a full qualification including knowledge of a wide range of vehicle systems. You will cover all basic practical systems of the motor vehicle including engines, braking systems, transmission systems and electrical systems. The qualification develops both your competency in the workshop and your under-pinning knowledge in the classroom. Entry requirements – You will need GCSEs in the D/3 range or above or and have a positive attitude and the potential and stamina to complete the programme and progress. A keen interest in the motor vehicle industry, and keen interest to succeed is also required. Progression – Successful completion of all aspects of this course can lead to the Level 2 Study Programme in Light Vehicle Engineering, or ideally into an apprenticeship.
Auto-Electrical Engineering Level 1 Introduction – This course is for students who are passionate about a career in the auto- electrical industry. You will study both the theory and practical aspects of the following: mechanical components, start/charge systems, engine electrical systems and external lighting systems. You will also gain a broad knowledge and understanding of health and safety in the workplace and other skills associated with working in a garage. Your time will be split between the workshops and classroom where you will be assessed by the IMI set practical assessments, online multiple choice testing and assessments set by us. Entry requirements – You will need GCSEs in the D/3 range or above and have a positive attitude and the potential and stamina to complete the programme and progress. A keen interest in the motor industry, and a keen interest to succeed is also required. Progression – Successful completion of all aspects of this course can lead to the Level 2 Study Programme in Auto-Electrical Engineering, or ideally into an apprenticeship.
Introduction – This course will cover: advanced health and safety, light vehicle operating, principles of petrol and diesel engines, tyres, brakes, steering and suspension, vehicle electrical and electronic systems, and simple fault diagnosis. Learners will be assessed through practical tasks, written assignments and online assessment tests for each unit. Entry requirements – Learners who have completed all aspects of the Level 1 study programme or have experience of the motor trade and are passionate about motor vehicles. Progression – Successful completion of all aspects of this course can lead to the employment in the light vehicle engineering industry, or ideally into an apprenticeship.
Applicants who have not achieved at least a grade C/4 in English and maths will continue to study these subjects alongside their chosen college course.
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