Property Shop - Online Valuation Brochure
T h e b e s t p h o t o g r a p h y a n d p l a n s . . .
. . . s e l l y o u r h o m e f a s t e r !
Some t i me s you need he l p t o p r epa r e you r hou s e f o r sa l e o r r en t . . .w i t h ou r new Pr e s en t a t i on De s i gn Se r v i c e . . .
360° photography and video options We always use the best photography to present your home in the best possible way, emphasising features of special interest to buyers. When appropriate, we use 360° photography which allows interested buyers to enjoy a virtual tour of the property. We can also use drone footage and videography on marketing upgrades that our team will advise you on.
Every home is different and special to someone. Our Presentation Design Service can advise you on interior and exterior decor to support a fast sale.
interior... Outstanding photography helps the buyer visualise how they will live in the home. exterior... Here photography sets the property in a context which the buyer can understand. outdoor living... Opens the buyers imagination and adds that extra touch.
w w w . p r o p e r t y s h o p l t d . c o m
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